Photo: Rich Storry
Rob and Kelvin react to the news that the Miami Heat have suspended Jimmy Butler for another two games after the 35-year-old star reportedly missed a team flight. Rob applauds Heat President Pat Riley for holding firm against Butler's antics, but Kelvin is starting to wonder whether his stubbornness is beginning to cost the team.
Rob Parker: "I love what Pat Riley's doing here. At some point there's gotta be a grown up in the room. At some point you've gotta be professional. They've paid Jimmy Butler, every pay period, all the money that he signed an agreement to make. I get it if he doesn't want to play there anymore, but guess what? He doesn't get to dictate that!... I'm all for free agency and going and doing what you wanna do and being happy, but once you sign a contract, be damn professional! I applaud Pat Riley, because at some point, somebody's gotta stop the madness and let [Jimmy Butler] know that's not how it works in the business world."
Kelvin Washington: "When you sign up for the Jimmy Butler experience, this is part of the experience. Jimmy Butler has been doing this to the last two or three franchises he's been a part of. The Heat signed up for this and they knew it! My concern with Pat Riley is, at a certain point, are you costing your team just to [be stubborn]?"