Church Evicted After Posting Anti-LGBTQ Sign

A church in Auburn, Indiana has been evicted from its place of worship after posting an anti-LGBTQ sign in front of the building. The sign, which was put up on June 27 read "LGBTQ is a hate crime against God. Repent." NewsChannel 15 spoke with church elder Robert Sturges who defended the sign. 

"We're trying to reach a certain group of people, Sturges said. "They're being told in our culture that homosexuality, transvestites, lesbianism, and sexual immorality is ok. But the Bible clearly says that those who practice these things will not inherit the Kingdom of God. In fact, it warns them that the wrath of God will abide upon them. And in the judgment, they will be lost and they will be sent to hell forever. We believe that. That's our faith."

Not everybody was happy with the sign. The message upset many residents in the community, including the owner of the building the church was using. According to ABC21, an unnamed member of the church confirmed that the building owner has forced them out and they are currently looking for a new place to worship. 

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